Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Jilbab Girl

Suddenly I got a sms from someone, asked me to make an ami girl wearing jilbab version. Then my phone rang, I realized that the person is my colleague. Hah... you made me surprise dear :)

In short conversation, she wanted me to made 4 jilbab girl amis and hopefully I could finish it just for 3-4 days. Well, let we start it !!! I accept your challenge, ahahahaha....

The difficultie when I was crocheting this ami is I don't know how to wear jilbab (I'm not a moslem). So I asked to my friend who is wearing jilbab, was it wrong or not. I wanted to make it as perfect I can.

Over my prediction that I could not crochet these amis after working hour, hikksss...

Sorry my friend if I cannot fulfill my promise to you.

So many works to do that made me to take some overtime in the office and I couldn't continue these at home.
But I already finished 2 amis for you with different version (read: color), hihihihi... v^.^v

Hope you like it friend....

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