Minggu, 04 April 2010

Aylo the Inu

It's been a long time not to crochet an amigurumi and I miss it a lot !!!
So I began crocheting based on a pattern, a dog amigurumi pattern, I found in one of crocheting website - forget to copy paste the link as my reference.
Started crocheting yesterday and just finished its head, body and 4 legs. I thought I'm going to continue this tomorrow because I felt so tired and I had to get up early in purpose to go to the church (hey, tomorrow is an Easter day and I have to go to the church with my family).

Tomorrow has came but when I wanted to continue this ami, my laziness came up - bad behaviour I've had and cannot be erased if I've done monotonous activity.
So, to release that bad behaviour, I watched a DVD. Picked a movie titled 'Hachiko - A dog's tale', played it in my DVD player....
The movie is ssoooo ggggooooddd according to my opinion.
So touching with the dog's loyalty and I cried watching it. It reminds me to my oldest dog named Aylo that already passed away many years ago in front of me - I think she wanted to say good bye to me....

(The pictures above was taken 1 day before Aylo passed away. She was a gorgeous dog I ever had in my life and I late to realize that. A smart and understanding dog).

After watched the movie, suddenly I had a great spirit to finish this ami.

So here it is....
I devided its color into white and dark brown yarn. Because of my carelessness, I made its eyes too big. So I circumvented these with made a circle around the eyes by remainder white yarn - look like an eyelid.
Also I add a green necklace around its neck with a blue shiny star as a necklace pendant.

To be honest, I'm not satisfy with the result - its eyes are still too big for me, make this dog doesn't look like a real dog.
Someday if I have a good mood to make an amigurumi, I'll crochet this dog amigurumi again, near like a real dog, hope I can do that :)
Size = 5 X 6 cms.

* This amigurumi is my honour for all dogs in the world, thanks for being a human friend and brightening our days without any intention from us...

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Baby Hat with overlapping flowers

Couple weeks ago, my friend asked me if I can make a baby hat like some pictures she had shown to me. Without any doubt I replied yes and not took so much time I already finished the hat on last week. Then, I made a bunch of flower consist of different pink yarns to beutify its look.

To be honest I really really like this hat and for your info, I made this pattern by myself.
See the example pictures that my friend had given to me (consists of sc stiches and some rows of shell stiches I think), I modified the stiches with dc for row above and bottom, also 3 rows of shell stiches in the middle.

For the flower, I used 3 different colors of pink - pink pale, pink mud, and pink same as the hat - and attached 1 pink bead on overlapping flowers. I didn't sew this flower but I used a pin (like a brooch) so that if my friend want to change it frequently, she can do it as she want to.

Next question in my mind is how do I give this hat to her baby ???
Sorry girls, I haven't visited yet both of you @_@
Well, hope she and her lovely daughter love it.... ^.^

Diameter = 52 cms.